TUG 3 Maiden Dive 29/03/2015

Sphaerokodisis australis (Southern Sea Fan) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Hypoplectrodes maccullochi (Half Banded Seaperch) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Botrylloides perspicuus (Deadman's Fingers) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Ceratosoma amoenum (Sweet Ceratosoma) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Chromodoris splendida (Splendid Chromodoris) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Glossodoris atromarginata (Black Margined Glossodoris) -Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Plectaster decanus (Mosiac Star) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Neodoris chrysoderma (Chrysanthemum Neodoris) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Soft Corals (Order Alcyonacea) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Glossodoris angasi (Angas's Glossodoris) - Outer Bommies (Leon 2)
Leon 2

It had been many months of hard work by the boat sub-committee but the new TUG dive boat was bought down to the Haven from Lake Macquaire on Monday. Yesterday was an opportunity for members to see the boat and familiarise themselves with the new rig. An impressive piece of kit it is indeed. It is a little bigger than TUG 2, the same basic layout, and has a very solid feel about it.

Today was the first normal club dive day with TUG 3 in action. We headed up to the Entrance Bommies where the first group did a drift dive at PJ Cove. After reports of warm blue water the second group decided to head out to Leon 2, an Outer Bommies site.

The water was 23 degree and very clear with Vis at 15m+. Plenty of fish around including a Moorish Idol, a summer visitor, who looked a little out of place with the locals.

A fantastic way to open the dive proceedings on TUG 3. It handled beautifully on what was a pretty calm day, setting new speed records on the run up to the Bommies. Here's to many years of great diving off this boat.