Easter 2015 - ex-HMAS Adelaide Dive 06/04/2015
Easter always seems to be a total washout for diving. I am struggling to remember a single easter in the last 10 year where the diving gods have been totally kind. This year I managed to get out on the Monday after the sea had calmed down enough and the torrential rain had stopped.
I was not expecting good conditions given the amount of rain we'd had but I was pleasantly suprised to be greeted by a good 10m or so of vis. I could actually see the sun shining on the surface of the water from the deck of the wreck.
The number of kingfish that call the wreck home these days is truely staggering. I was wondering what they all feed on as it is not like the wreck is covered in Yellowtail or Slimy Mackeral. There were plenty of young Snapper swimming off the wreck as well as an impressive school of Tarwhine